Reserve the Program Room
Please call the Weedsport Free Library (315-834-6222) to check availability of the Program Room. You must complete and have a Meeting Room Application approved before your reservation will be placed on the calendar.
Meeting Room - General Rules of Use
Use of the meeting room in the Weedsport Free Library is primarily for programs conducted or sponsored by the library, and secondarily, for programs of established and recognized institutions, groups, and associations with educational, cultural or civic purposes. All meetings must be open to the public, but need not be public meetings.
Programs which are planned by the library take precedence over meetings of outside groups. The library reserves the right to preempt the use of meeting space.
As long as meetings do not conflict with one another, there is no objection to regular meetings of the same group; however, in fairness to the numerous groups of the community, reservations are taken not more than three (3) months in advance.
No admission fees or required donations may be charged.
The sponsor of a meeting or program may request a fee from participants only to the extent that such fee covers the cost of materials furnished to participants. Such charges should not be construed as an admission fee, and attendance may not be limited to those individuals who pay the fee. No portion of any fee shall accrue to the benefit of an organization or individual.
APPLICATION: An organization requesting the use of the meeting room for the first time must complete a meeting room application. An individual responsible for the changes or cancellations to the scheduled meeting date should communicate with the library staff as soon as possible.
General Rules of Use
1. The meeting room is available for use during the library’s normal hours of operation. Specific requests for after hours use may be made to the library director.
2. The meeting room may not be used for religious services, sales promotion, social functions such as showers, birthday parties, etc., or for the benefit of private individuals or commercial concerns engaged in marketing goods or services. Sale of merchandise is strictly prohibited.
3. Political meetings are acceptable for the discussion of issues but not for campaign purposes, party caucuses, or meetings closed to the public.
4. Except as a designation of location the name of the library may not be used in any publicity relating to use of meeting rooms.
5. No cooking may be done or food served without the approval of the library director. No alcohol may be served at any time. No smoking is permitted at any time in the library or on library grounds.
6. Programs should be planned so that meeting space will be vacated 15 minutes before closing time.
7. Meeting rooms must be left in acceptable, unlittered condition. Tables and chairs must be returned to the positions in which they were found. Groups are expected to vacuum the floor if necessary. See staff for vacuum.
8. No illegal gambling may be played.
9. Meetings must be conducted in such a way as not to disturb library operations.
10. Library personnel will not move or rearrange heavy equipment
11. The library will provide no storage space and assumes no responsibility for equipment or personal articles belonging to applicants or their guests.
12. The applicant accepts liability for either damage to library facilities or loss of library property.
13. The applicant assumes responsibility for participant accommodations (e.g. assistive listening devices. etc.) and specific articles of compliance as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
14. Library personnel must have free access to meeting room at all times. The library retains the right to monitor all meetings conducted on the premises to ensure compliance with the above regulations. Infringement of any of the regulations here stated shall be grounds for denial of future use of meeting space.
15. All users of the meeting room shall abide by the New York State Public Officers Law, Article 7 (Open Meeting Law.)
Board Approved: 06/09/22